Filtering by: Standard
8:00 AM08:00

Treatment-Resistant Anxiety and Depression: The Impact of Developmental Trauma & Psychological Processes on the Brain

Course Descriptionn

This workshop is designed to help you improve your effectiveness treating chronically depressed clients. You will learn about the multiple areas of the brain effected by developmental (childhood) trauma. Specific types of developmental traumas which form early maladaptive schemas will be identified, defined, and examined. Imagery re-scripting, an evidence-based therapeutic technique, designed to reduce cognitive avoidance and modify schemas, will also be taught. Research studies have implicated the psychological processes of rumination, attention bias, and cognitive avoidance, as mechanisms that complicate and exacerbate depression. The impact of these processes on the brain, making depression resistant to treatment, will be explored. Therapeutic techniques such as somatic & cognitive de-fusion, mindfulness, and acceptance techniques, designed to reduce the psychological processes of rumination, cognitive avoidance, attentional bias, will be taught. Case examples, using these techniques will be presented.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard

New River Counseling

Contact Information:
Stephen Silliman

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7:30 AM07:30

19th Annual Advanced Liver Disease and Liver Transplantation Update

Course Description:

This Course is to provide an update on recent developments in the management of patients with advanced liver disease including recent improvements in the medical meangement of steatotic liver disease, alcohol use disorder and alcoholic liver disease, and hepatic complications of heart disease. In addition , updates on acute on chronic liver failure, evaluation of substane use disorders in patients with advanced liver disease, liver transplant for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer and neuroendocrine tumors, use of marinal ogans in liver transplantation, and the medical management of long-term liver transplant recipients will be provided. After completing this activity, participants will understand and be able to implement in their practice recent developments in the management of patients with advanced liver disease.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 5.5
CE Type: Standard

Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Stacy Brand

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8:30 AM08:30

Collaboration of Providers for Providers (P4P) Day Conference

Collaboration of Providers for Providers (P4P) Day conference will have 3 presentations, each 1.5 hours, with a total of 4.5 CEUs. The presentations will be: “A Disease of Loneliness: Addiction Through an Attachment Theory Lens”

Presented by Dr. Michael Roeske, PsyD

“Help, Hope and Healing: Recovery for Children and Teens Living with Substance Use Disorder”

Presented by Peggy McGillicuddy, MEd, CTSS

“Self Care for Health Professionals” Presented by Bruce Goldberg, LMSW, ACSW, CAADC, SAP & Rae Green, JD, LPC, CAADCescription

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 4.5
CE Type: Standard, Implicit Bias


Newport Healthcare

Contact Information:
Leah Bogdanski


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9:00 AM09:00

Using Problem-Based Learning to Explore Refugee Post-Resettlement for Children

Course Description:

This course will begin by exploring the basics of refugee resettlement in the United States. Then, problem-based learning will be explored as a method to break down individual refugee cases involving trauma. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma's problem-based learning system allows clinicians to consider new avenues of case presentations. The 12 Core Concepts of Childhood Trauma will be discussed and applied to one specific case involving a refugee child.



Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 6
CE Type: Standard

Western Michigan School of SW

Contact Information:
Nancy Cretsinger
(269) 387-3680

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5:00 PM17:00

Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma for Social Workers, Educators, and Other Human Service Providers

Course Description:

Social workers, educators, and other human service professionals provide a tremendous amount of support to clients, students, and consumers. The often ongoing roles, responsibilities, and demands common in these professions can result in compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, burnout, and exhaustion. This training will provide a framework to understand compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. In addition, the risk factors associated with burnout and strategies to support one’s overall health and well-being will be discussed.

Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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8:30 AM08:30

Elder Law Bootcamp

Course Description:

Those working with the aging population and who are helping clients and their families plan for long-term care needs, this course is for you. Topics include surrogate decision making, navigating long-term care services, and supports, protecting vulnerable adults, in depth Medicaid basics, planning and application process, along with Veterans benefit options. The training will also give attendes an understanding of current Medicaid laws and how to apply to their clients.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 6
CE Type: Standard

Chalgian & Tripp Law Offices

Contact Information:
Nicolette Stoutenburg, LBSW

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5:00 PM17:00

Understanding and supporting children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders

Course Description:

This course provides a foundation on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the continuum in which this disorder manifests, specifically focusing on adolescents and young adults. Due to the complexity and co-morbidity often associate with ASD, techniques and strategies to anticipate, analyze, and provide solutions to address complex behaviors, including creating behavior plans, self-monitoring systems, and visual schedules, is an outcome of this course. Other tools, such as using peer supports, will be discussed and their benefits for individuals with ASD and supporting peers. This course will also provide a lens to understand the myriad of challenges faced by parents and opportunities to support them.

Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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9:00 AM09:00

Human Trafficking: An Overview

Course Description:

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which victims are controlled, manipulated and exploited. Human traffickers use force, fraud and coercion to overpower and oppress their victims. Victims include both children and adults – belonging to any age group, ethnic background and socioeconomic status. This course will focus on defining human trafficking, identifying signs of human trafficking, discussing consequences of human trafficking, providing support and guidance to survivors of human trafficking and implementing effective therapeutic techniques that promote healing and recovery.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard, Human Trafficking

Sponsor Name:
Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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12:00 PM12:00

Navigating the Landscape of Geriatric Mental Health: Trends & Challenges

Course Description:

Join us for a dynamic, interactive webinar that delves into the latest trends and challenges shaping geriatric mental health. Participants will gain insights into the most recent data and research findings, examine the multifaceted barriers to optimal care, and explore practical, evidence-based strategies that can be implemented in various settings. The session will feature a webinar presentation and a live Q&A segment, making it ideal for healthcare professionals, mental health practitioners, policymakers, and educators interested in advancing geriatric mental health care.

Who Should Attend:

• Clinicians and mental health professionals

• Healthcare administrators and policymakers

• Anyone with an interest in improving mental health outcomes for older adults

Mental Health Assoc in Michigan

Contact Information:
Kristen Taylor

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8:30 AM08:30

A Patient’s Journey to Kidney Transplant

Course Description:

This webinar will provide an in-depth review of the evaluation day for potential kidney transplant recipients. This course will be of particular interest to dialysis staff including social workers, nurses, dietitians, technicians as well as other renal health care professionals involved in the care of dialysis patients and or in referring patients for kidney transplant. Each discipline (Nephrology, Surgery, Social Work, Dietary) will explain the details of their assessment of a new evaluation patient and decision making about candidacy.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard

Michigan Medicine

Contact Information:
Michele Cromer

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11:00 AM11:00

Navigating Distraction: Systemic Factors Behind the Struggle to Stay Present

Course Description:

In today's fast-paced world, many people experience challenges with focus and attention. For social workers, the ability to be fully present in both professional and personal interactions is essential. This training delves into the latest research on environmental and societal changes contributing to increased 'brain fog' and diminished focus. While topics like smartphones, screens, and social media will be covered, the training also goes deeper, examining factors such as pollution, diet, sleep, and more. Rather than focusing solely on individual solutions, this session emphasizes the broader systemic issues, moving away from a 'blame-the-victim' approach. Participants will engage in discussions to better understand these factors, apply knowledge to improve their own well-being, and empower clients with greater awareness and support.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 2.5
CE Type: Standard


Spring Arbor University

Contact Information:
Emily Dixon

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8:00 AM08:00

2025 Elder Law and Advocacy Bootcamp

Course Description:

This course will provide the social worker with an in-depth knowledge of the legal field when it comes to estate planning, elder law and programs that are available to people in need of long-term care assistance. This course will address the legal concerns that a person faces when they get older and how elders can afford to get the care they require.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard

Manor Law Group

Contact Information:
Savannah Meksto

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12:00 PM12:00

Fostering Focus: Understanding and Addressing Attention Challenges in Youth

Course Description:

In today's fast-paced world, many people experience challenges with focus and attention. Youth are disproportionately affected due to the changes in our society and the daily technology that has been available for the duration of their young lives. The ability to be fully present in both professional and personal interactions is essential for healthy relationships and success in school and work. This training delves into the latest research on environmental and societal changes contributing to increased 'brain fog' and diminished focus. While topics like smartphones, screens, and social media will be covered, the training also goes deeper, examining factors such as pollution, diet, sleep, and more. This training will work to further educate child welfare workers about these challenges and also discuss solutions. This knowledge is a stepping stone for workers to better equip caregivers of youth, and youth themselves, to live less distracted.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 1
CE Type: Standard


Spring Arbor University

Contact Information:
Emily Dixon

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8:30 AM08:30

Elder Law Bootcamp

Course Description:

Those working with the aging population and who are helping clients and their families plan for long-term care needs, this course is for you. Topics include surrogate decision making, navigating long-term care services, and supports, protecting vulnerable adults, in depth Medicaid basics, planning and application process, along with Veterans benefit options. The training will also give attendes an understanding of current Medicaid laws and how to apply to their clients.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 6
CE Type: Standard

Chalgian & Tripp Law Offices

Contact Information:
Nicolette Stoutenburg, LBSW

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9:00 AM09:00

Working with LGBTQ+ Youth and Young People

Course Description:

This course aims to inform practitioners and human services providers about the LGBTQ+ population, particularly young persons. These young people have multiple marginalized identities and are impacted by how society and their families of origin or foster families treat them based upon these identitites. Information on changing identity categories and changing numbers of young persons claiming these identities will be shared. Additionally, cultural myths that may interfere with treatment will be shared and best practices for the population will be highlighted. Considerations for agencies and cultural competence/humility will also be shared.



Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard

Western Michigan School of SW

Contact Information:
Nancy Cretsinger
(269) 387-3680

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12:00 PM12:00

End of Life Care for Children and their Families

Course Description:

.This course will raise awareness of community based support in clinical space providing and nderstanding of the role of non-medical Palliative Care/End-of-Life practitioners.


Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 1
CE Type: Standard

NorthStar Institute

Contact Information:

Karen Monts


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9:00 AM09:00

Understanding Implicit Bias

Course Description:

.This interactive, live 3-hour course is designed to meet the implicit bias training requirement in the state of Michigan. The Michigan Bureau of Professional Licensing now requires implicit bias training for almost all health care professions. This course content covers all required topics outlined in the Public Health Code-General Rules R338.7004 Implicit bias training standards. During this course participants will recognize what implicit bias is, the different types of biases that exist, how biases create disproportionate societal impacts, and recognize how to mitigate your own biases.

Course Link:

 CE Value (credits): 4.5
CE Type: Standard,, Implicit Bias


Spring Arbor University

Contact Information:
Emily Dixon

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9:00 AM09:00

Anger and Forgiveness

Course Description:

Anger is a natural human emotion that can result in a positive or negative response. Anger as a positive response can empower the client to improve client’s life, anger as a negative response can deter client from achieving goals and fulfilling client’s maximum potential. Forgiveness has been found to be effective in helping clients overcome anger and frustration. This workshop will help providers recognize when forgiveness is an appropriate client goal, identify how to introduce and explain to client what forgiveness is and to provide concrete methods to incorporate anger management and forgiveness into the therapeutic process.

Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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8:30 AM08:30

Elder Law Bootcamp

Course Description:

Those working with the aging population and who are helping clients and their families plan for long-term care needs, this course is for you. Topics include surrogate decision making, navigating long-term care services, and supports, protecting vulnerable adults, in depth Medicaid basics, planning and application process, along with Veterans benefit options. The training will also give attendes an understanding of current Medicaid laws and how to apply to their clients.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 6
CE Type: Standard

Chalgian & Tripp Law Offices

Contact Information:
Nicolette Stoutenburg, LBSW

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to Mar 20

15th Annual Kountz/Callender/Drew Transplant Symposium Transplantation: Reflective Voices, Riveting Results and Revolutionary Future"

Course Description:

.The Kountz Callender Drew Transplant symposium is an annual event that assembles the health system community. The information shared is to aid health professionals on numerous levels to provide the best and equitable care to patients and families in the SE Michigan area. The symposium is designed to promote an exchange of ideas on healthcare disparities and their impact on organ and tissue donation. National and local experts highlight ways to engage physicians, health professionals and community leaders to become champions in saving lives. Presenters examine the roles and responsibilities of professional and public education to encourage strategies to increase the number of organs available for transplantation and to promote healthier communities. This year's theme is Transplantation: Reflective Voices, Riveting Results and Revolutionary Future.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 7.
CE Type: Standard

Sponsor Name: Gift of Life MOTTP

Contact Information:
Stacy Brand

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8:00 AM08:00

Mental Health First Aid for Adult

Course Description:

Mental Health First Aid for Adults is an 8-hour, interactive certification course that provides an overview of mental health and substance use conditions as well as their risk factors, warning signs, impact, and common treatments.  Participants will receive a MHFA manual which is a blueprint for providing comfort, promoting recovery, and helping to reduce distress related to stressful situations, trauma and crisis. Mental Health First Aid teaches a 5-step action plan to offer initial help to people with the signs and symptoms of a mental illness or in a crisis, and connects them with the appropriate professional, peer, social, or self-help care.  Participants vary widely and include primary and long-term care professionals, law enforcement and first responders, school personnel and educators, employers, parents, guardians, consumers, faith communities, mental health advocacy organizations, state policymakers, and the general public.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 8
CE Type: Standard

Northern Lakes CMH

Contact Information:
Bobbi Hudson

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9:00 AM09:00

Grief, Loss and Healing (Copy)

Course Description:

Loss is inevitable. In life, we lose loved ones, relationships, opportunities, independence, cognitive functioning and physical abilities. Grief is the common process we experience as a result of our loss. The grieving process is different for each client – there is no “normal” time frame for healing. Emotional healing has been found to be effective in helping clients overcome grief and loss. Emotional healing is impacted by a client’s emotional stability, culture, socioeconomic status, spiritual beliefs and overall wellbeing. This workshop will explore the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. In addition, this workshop will focus on current treatment modalities, practical case studies and the presentation of skills and techniques to equip providers with the tools necessary to aid their clients with processing, understanding, effectively coping with, healing through and accepting their grief experience.

Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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9:00 AM09:00

Grief, Loss and Healing

Course Description:

Loss is inevitable. In life, we lose loved ones, relationships, opportunities, independence, cognitive functioning and physical abilities. Grief is the common process we experience as a result of our loss. The grieving process is different for each client – there is no “normal” time frame for healing. Emotional healing has been found to be effective in helping clients overcome grief and loss. Emotional healing is impacted by a client’s emotional stability, culture, socioeconomic status, spiritual beliefs and overall wellbeing. This workshop will explore the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. In addition, this workshop will focus on current treatment modalities, practical case studies and the presentation of skills and techniques to equip providers with the tools necessary to aid their clients with processing, understanding, effectively coping with, healing through and accepting their grief experience.

Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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9:00 AM09:00

Experiential Activities Developed to Help Enhance Holistic Methods of Substance Abuse Treatment

  • College of Health and Human Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Description:

This Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training will provide participants with knowledge and skill-based education to appropriately identify the specific screening tools to employ with student populations and the techniques to assist students with enhancing motivation for changing their at-risk substance use behaviors. Attendees will also engage in experiential learning activities with one another to gain feedback on their use of SBIRT.



Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard

Western Michigan School of SW

Contact Information:
Nancy Cretsinger
(269) 387-3680

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9:00 AM09:00

Mental Health Challenges Among First Generation Americans: Clinical Recommendations

Course Description:

Learning objective :

• Participants will identify at least 3 common mental health challenges in the first gen population. 

• Participants will learn research-informed techniques to help this population navigate identity conflicts.  

• Participants will enhance their critical thinking tools and their cultural humility when engaging this population. 



Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard

Western Michigan School of SW

Contact Information:
Nancy Cretsinger
(269) 387-3680

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5:00 PM17:00

Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: Supporting Students in the School Setting

Course Description:

Many children and adolescents experience chronic pain, which impacts them in the school setting and across all other settings in their lives. Chronic pain can adversely impact children and adolescents and pose challenges to them in their everyday lives. Children and adolescents experiencing chronic pain are also at risk for other comorbid, co-occurring conditions that may impact other facets of their health and mental health. It is important for school professionals, social workers, and other providers to be aware of chronic pain and strategies and interventions that can be used to support children and adolescents in a school setting who experiencing chronic pain.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 3.00
CE Type: Standard, Pain


Sponsor Name: Michigan Medicine
University of Mich. Transplant Center

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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3:00 PM15:00

The Impact of Social Work Ethics on Politics and Policy

Course Description:

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which victims are controlled, manipulated and exploited. Human traffickers use force, fraud and coercion to overpower and oppress their victims. Victims include both children and adults – belonging to any age group, ethnic background and socioeconomic status. This course will focus on defining human trafficking, identifying signs of human trafficking, discussing consequences of human trafficking, providing support and guidance to survivors of human trafficking and implementing effective therapeutic techniques that promote healing and recovery.

Sponsor Name:
Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

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9:00 AM09:00

CARE's 30th Annual Parenting Conference

Course Description:

The overall objective of this one day conference is to educate local parents and professionals to increase skills and knowledge to offer children a good start towards healthy development. The conference will include a keynote speaker, Michael Brandwein, and eight workshops which include specialized information for all age groups.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard

Michigan Center for Clinical Systems Improvement

Contact Information:
Andrew Brown

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8:30 AM08:30

LRE- The Do Better Movement

Course Description:

Calibrating our understanding of inclusion today is critical to inclusion’s success. This session guides participants through the evolution of inclusion over time through humour and real life stories.

In this session, Shelley shares her own story of inclusion as a student, and how her experiences have impacted her to do the work she does today. She connects her story to current understandings of inclusive education and reflects on how we all need to shift to increase inclusive access for students.

The Inclusive planning process is aiming to situate Disability as an identity, not a deficit, and so to determine what supports and strategies students require, teams are shifting to look at needs, instead of disabilities, as a reference point. In this session we will connect to Universal Design for Learning principles and look at how we can plan for a student with a disability, in ways that can support many students in a classroom.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 4.5
CE Type: Standard

Kent ISD

Contact Information:
Chase Ryan

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12:00 PM12:00

Courageous Parents Network and NeuroJourney: Providing Anticipatory Guidance to Caregivers of Children Living with Serious Medical Conditions

This course ntroduces two amazing 24/7 resources for families and clinicians navigating the ever-evolving psycho-social, emotional and medical needs of families caring for children with serious medical conditions. Both Courageous Parents Network and NeuroJourney emphasize the critical role that palliative care, or palliative-aware practice, can play in bolstering caregivers’ sense of agency and confidence as well as lessening their isolation. Both are ideal learning tools for patient families and clinical trainees.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 1
CE Type: Standard

NorthStar Institute

Contact Information:

Karen Monts


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9:00 AM09:00

Student Voice Toolkit

  • Kalamazoo RESA Service Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Description:

.Creating a space where students feel a sense of belonging and community is important. As educators, we already find ways to create this space in many ways. And, giving students opportunities to use their voice and provide input into what happens in their classroom or building is a powerful way to bring students together as a community. This workshop will introduce participants to a deeper understanding of what youth voice can look like, why it benefits students and educators alike, and how you might begin to integrate deeper youth voice into your classroom, building and/or district.

Kalamazoo RESA

Contact Information:
Phil VanOrman

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2:00 PM14:00

MPS Scientific Meeting

Course Description:

Practice Gap/Need and Course Description:

Colleagues do not understand how racial erotics can be used for self-affirmation by those who have felt oppressed. With patients and colleagues, we do not tolerate the excitement of racial erotics, instead shut it down. With patients and colleagues, we do not understand and tolerate rage used for self-affirmation in those who have felt oppressed. We have been overly eager to ignore/dismiss resilience in those traumatized. We have been unwilling to catch our own ethical failures with patients and colleagues.

After attending this presentation, participants will be able to:

1. Examine and better tolerate the excitement of racial erotics when used for self-affirmation, without needing to suppress or repress the feelings.

2. Explain and then predict the expression of rage in individuals who have felt oppressed, including both patients and colleagues, when this rage is used for self-affirmation.

Pre-registration is required for this program. Click on the registration link to register.

Sponsor Name:
Michigan Psychoanalytic Society

Contact Information:
Monica Evans

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9:30 AM09:30

Third Annual: A Friday for Therapists Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Practical Applications

Course Description:

The autonomic nervous system is at the heart of daily living powerfully affecting our clients’ sense of safety and influencing their capacity for connection. Polyvagal Theory, developed by renowned scientist Stephen Porges, provides a map of the autonomic circuits that underlie behaviors and beliefs and an understanding of the body to brain pathways that give birth to our clients’ stories of safety and survival.

Clients come to treatment with a compromised ability to regulate their autonomic responses. The response patterns that were once adaptive and necessary for survival now bring suffering. Without intervention, adaptive survival responses become habitual autonomic patterns and pathways of connection are replaced with patterns of protection. Guided by Polyvagal Theory, we have a deep understanding of the ways experience shapes the nervous system. When we look to the autonomic nervous system we have a roadmap to creating new, resourcing patterns of connection and can reliably lead our clients into the autonomically regulated state of safety that is necessary for successful treatment.

A Polyvagal Theory informed approach to therapy begins with helping clients map their autonomic profiles and track their moment-to-moment movement along the autonomic hierarchy. With this foundation, the essential clinical questions address how to help clients interrupt habitual response patterns and find safety in a state of engagement. Using the principles of Polyvagal Theory, therapists have a guide to becoming a regulated and co-regulating resource, practical ways to effectively help clients identify and interrupt their familiar response patterns, and strategies to shape their autonomic nervous systems toward safety and connection.

Working with the autonomic nervous system brings the science of safety into practical application. When we speak the language of the nervous system, we can help clients safely tune into their autonomic states, reshape their nervous systems, and rewrite the trauma stories that are carried in their autonomic pathways.

In this workshop we’ll learn ways to bring science into clinical application as we accompany our clients on their healing journeys. Combining didactic teaching with experiential practices participants will develop an embodied understanding of the organizing principles of Polyvagal Theory and learn ways to integrate the principles into clinical work.

Participants will:

-learn the organizing principles of Polyvagal Theory and discover how to become a regulated and regulating resource for others

-work with practices to help clients move from dysregulation to regulation

-experiment with ways to help clients identify and interrupt their familiar patterns of protection

-explore skills to help clients find, and savor, experiences of safety

-create an autonomic map for use as a guide in treatment

-practice using the co-regulating pathways of the social engagement system to create safety in connection

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard

Sponsor Name:
Grand Rapids Therapy Group

Contact Information:
Maria Schiavo

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9:00 AM09:00

EMDR - One Therapist's Experience and Pain Management - Training Your Brain to Manage Pain

Course Description:

 Participants will increase awareness about EMDR, hear about how EMDR was identified, and learn about the value of EMDR as a treatment technique, assessing who is a candidate and preparing the Client. This course will also address how the process works through presentation of examples, video and discussion questions, and how we can train the brain with techniques that manage pain, including the use of EMDR.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 4
CE Type: Standard, Pain

Sponsor Name:
Core Learning, Inc.

Contact Information:
Stephanie Appel

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9:00 AM09:00

Ethics in Social Work/Clinical Practice: Boundaries

Course Description:

This seminar will assist Clinicians in enhancing their awareness and understanding of the direct relationship between ethics, boundaries, self-care and intellectual humility. In our rapidly growing field of knowledge, it is essential to continually reboot these concepts to facilitate our practice models and enhance our work with Clients.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard

Core Learning, Inc.

Contact Information:
Stephanie Appel

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8:00 AM08:00

Managing Client Pain & Stress: Tools for Social Workers

Course Description:

This two-hour training emphasizes evidence-based interventions and the ethical responsibilities of social workers in managing client pain and stress. Through a blend of theory, practical application, and ethical considerations, participants will enhance their skills in assessing, managing, and alleviating client pain and stress in diverse practice settings. Participants will learn tools to help effectively support clients dealing with chronic pain, enhancing their well-being and overall quality of life.

A key focus of the training will be developing culturally responsive strategies. Participants will learn how to integrate stress management into pain management plans tailored to diverse populations. The training will address the unique psychosocial needs of different communities while considering cultural, socioeconomic, and systemic factors that influence pain perception and management.

Course Link:

 CE Value (credits): 2
CE Type: Standard, Pain


Spring Arbor University

Contact Information:
Emily Dixon

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9:00 AM09:00

Why are we so Angry? Implicit Bias and the Science of Happiness

Course Description:

This workshop will discuss the influence of societal issues, such as political dispiritedness, workplace dysfunction, and changes in communication patterns resulting from use of technology on personal happiness. This workshop will include content on how to identify and pursue one’s Ikigai (life purpose) to enhance happiness. This session will allow me to dig deeper into the influence of trapped emotions on health and well-being. The workshop will: 1) explore implicit bias and research-based practices shown to influence personal happiness; 2) discuss techniques shown to naturally stimulate our happiness hormones (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins); 3) discuss the influence of trapped emotions on our emotional health and well-being; 4) engage participants in a variety of exercises designed to influence

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard

Sponsor Name:
Core Learning, Inc.

Contact Information:
Stephanie Appel

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12:00 PM12:00

Strategies for Direct Services Regulation and Documentation

Course Description:

We all know the value of teaching emotional regulation. Particpants will learn/review how stree/trauma impacts the brain and makes it difficult for students to engage in the learning environment. They will learn differnt strategies for group work, the how’s of group/individual direct services and best pratice, including core strategies such as transition in, rehearsing, reflection ideas, and core skills to increase effectiveness. This session will also include at least 5 regulation activites and recording and documentation techniques to show progress(or highlight areas of concerns)

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard


Contact Information:
Angela War


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7:45 AM07:45

Pain and Symptom Management: Theories, Tools and Other Considerations in the School Setting

Course Description:

This course will allow participants to consider theories and integration of technology, mindfulness and other tools in pain and symptom assessment, tracking and management, ethical implications and alternative solutions in the schools.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard


Contact Information:
Angela Warr


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8:00 AM08:00

The Basics of Behaviors

  • Kalamazoo Reg. Educational Service Agency Service Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Description:

The participants will gain knowledge on what behavior means, what influences behavior and basic behavior strategies that can be implemented for any and all students. This training is best suited for paraprofessionals and other staff looking to gain more information on the basics of behavior.

Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 4

Kalamazoo RESA

Contact Information:
Phil Vanorman

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9:00 AM09:00

Pain Management: “Training the Brain” to Manage Pain

Course Description:

Participants will increase awareness about EMDR, hear about how EMDR was identified, and learn about the value of EMDR as a treatment technique, assessing who is a candidate and preparing the Client.  This course will also address how the process works through presentation of examples, video and discussion questions, and how we can train the brain with techniques that manage pain, including the use of EMDR.

# of CE: 2

Core Learning, Inc.

Contact Information:
Stephanie Appel

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9:00 AM09:00

Clinical Practice with Groups (Group Therapy 101)

Course Description:

Group therapy has many iterations, many challenges, and many rewards. Clinical work with groups can also be daunting, overwhelming, and sometimes confusing. There is also misinformation associated with group therapy, for example, the “type” of clinician or healthcare worker who would be “qualified” to engage in such important clinical work or the type of group member who may be difficult and disruptive in the group. This presentation will dispel stereotypes with evidence-based practice research and proven group theories that prove to assist with providing a safe and beneficial experience for both the group member and the group facilitator. This presentation is foundational, offering concepts and theories to start a group. This presentation will be in sections, starting with pre-planning, beginning stages of the group, the first group meeting and the working stages of the group, and descriptions of what types of informal roles that might be assumed by members. Please come with questions and hopefully, an idea for starting a group. There will be time for case vignette discussion as well.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard,

Sponsor Name:
Core Learning, Inc.

Contact Information:
Stephanie Appel

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9:00 AM09:00

Why Don't They Just Leave?

Course Description:

.Through a Trauma-Informed Approach and Survivor Centered Approach, the presenters will link the logical (what is known) with the interpretive (personal experience). Both are needed to understand the entire scope of what human trafficking is, and the negative effects it has on individuals, familes and communities.

Experts and Lived Experience professionals will share the realities of human trafficking including:

. what is human trafficking

. where is it happening

. why is it happening

. what are the indicators

. what do I do if I suspect it

Lived Experience experts will discuss their stories to share the realities and their journey of recovery.

What resources are available.

Course Link:

 CE Value (credits): 5
CE Type: Standard, Human Trafficking


Spring Arbor University

Contact Information:
Emily Dixon

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9:00 AM09:00

A Nervous System Approach to Diversity Work: Using a nervous system approach for intercultural interactions and decreasing polarization

  • Kirkhof Center Grand River Room (2250) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Description:

Studying our nervous system as an access point for change can increase our ability to be effective during challenging life circumstances. According to Deb Dana (2020), the nervous system is key because when the brain and the nervous system do not agree, the nervous system will win every time. One influential framework for understanding the nervous system is Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges. Polyvagal Theory is often referred to as the neuroscience of safety and connection, and seen as a core component of trauma work. Neuroscience in trauma therapy has exploded in the past twenty-five years. It has helped us understand our experiences, emotions, relationships, stories, communication, and ability to cope in more nuanced ways.

Course Link:

CE Value (credits): 6
CE Type: Standard

Grand Valley State University

Contact Information:


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