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Social Work and Technology: Making Tech Easy

  • Live Webinar United States (map)

Course Description:

The nitty gritty of technology use in social work explained. How do I protect my emails, my phone, my case files? Why shouldn’t I do case notes on a free wi-fi at the coffee shop? I’ve heard secure passwords are good, but how does that apply to my work and how do I make one? Why should my organization invest in ransomware protection and what are affordable options?

These and more boil down to ethical decisions we make as case managers to administrators. We’ll discuss the ethical standards developed by NASW and find practical, simple ways to incorporate it into our everyday routines.

Technology touches all of our clients’ information, yet we don’t take the time as social workers to make sure our clients are informed of where we are storing their information, how we are sending it, and how long we keep it. Ethical technology use is a key infrastructure to the work a social worker does.

Sponsor Name:
Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information:
Julie Newland