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Writing for Wellness 1: Journaling Interventions for Clients and Practitioners

  • Live Webinar United States (map)

Course Description:

Learn the scientific basis for journaling and which interventions might work best along a continuum of care for teens through adults. In this highly experiential workshop, learn the logic behind structured journaling interventions and test out several different evidence-based writing techniques for wellness. Learn some beginning adaptations and trauma-informed care precautions for using specific journaling methods with different populations. Explore new possibilities for clarity and care for yourself and others through writing.

Social workers are being flooded with clients affected by the pandemic who are seeking new ways to integrate stress-reducing, wellness activities in their lives. Journaling is a simple, free tool that can be effectively used across the lifespan with clients to help them in between sessions. However, not many people know the science behind journaling. Like all modalities, applying the techniques in a trauma-informed manner is crucial—especially in an era in which all have been impacted by the trauma of the pandemic and heightened visibility of racism and injustice in the United States.

Sponsor Name:
Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information:
Julie Newland

Earlier Event: February 20
Human Trafficking