Course Description:
The center does not hold. The ground gives way, and we are lost and falling. The ancients knew about the sudden overturning of the order of things: "Catastrophe" derives from the Greek, from "down”and "turn over". We lose the world we took-for-granted, and the familiar turns strange or uncanny. Sometimes it is the surprise of recall that overturns us. How is it that some memories remain dormant, as if waiting, returning with a shock of awareness, overturning us with new significance? How come the past won't die? Why do certain experiences resist assimilation to our worldviews?
Here psychoanalytic and existential perspectives illuminate one another, and in this talk we will explore the transforming of awareness and its everyday grounding in the world. We'll look at Freud's conception of "deferred action" (Afterwards, Nachträglichkeit, or Après-coup)—and existential conceptions of the familiar and the strange. Some experiences continue to change us as we change them, mutating and co-evolving even as we do. An old memory's new significance heralds a newly emerging person who remembers—and who may now suffer and change—in an evolving spiral of transformation.
Course Link:
CE Value (credits): 2
CE Type: Standard
Michigan Council for
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Contact Information:
Rebecca Hatton, Psy.D