Caring for the Caregiver

Date Available: Now
Date Expires: 03/09/23

Course Type: Home Study

Sponsor Name: Institute for Natural Resources
Course Registration Link:

CE Value (credits): 3
CE Type: Standard

Contact Information:
Customer Service

Course Description:

The social worker can help to insure that even as the caregiver is taking care of her loved one, she is doing everything possible to safeguard her own health and well-being as well. This course, “Caring for the Caregiver” will help sensitize social workers to the special needs, demands, and concerns facing the caregiver. It will help social workers understand the five stages of grief caregivers typically experience – grief over the loss of a loved one as they were before they were robbed of their personality. This grieving usually takes place many years before the individual actually dies of the disease. Being aware of the continually shifting and changing feelings experienced by caregivers can help the social worker develop more effective interventions for assisting her.

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