Missing Logic - Stay Resilient

Date Available: 12/25/2021
Date Expires: 12/25/2022

Course Type: On Demand

Sponsor Name: Mary Free Bed
Course Registration Link: https://educationacademy.maryfreebed.com/#/public-dashboard

CE Value (credits): 1.5
CE Type: Standard

Contact Information:
Bonita Pawloski

Course Description:

What is resilience and why is it so important? Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Participants of this activity will gain knowledge about polarities and how to balance constant change in today’s healthcare environment with stability. Attendees will be able to discuss how beliefs and daily tension impact their perspectives and identify how to establish habits that will enable them to care for themselves while they care for others. Ways of improving work life balance to increase resilience during challenging times will also be presented.

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